Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bengali Wedding Card Writing

Regali di Natale

Ciao a tutti.
Come avete trascorso il Natale? Noi siamo rimasti a casa a mangiare e ad aprire i regali ... abbiamo ricevuto tutto ciĆ² che avevamo chiesto a Babbo Natale ... ah no ... dimenticavo!!! Federico aveva chiesto la tuta da astronauta con il casco per andare in space, but Santa has not found the right size, so he brought a diving suit and left a note explaining what happened! No problem ... so this summer we will go to sea!

I received some wonderful gifts! I received a lot of books ... Now I have to find time to read! I just read the introduction and I all look beautiful ... I am a little 'undecided, I do not know if starting with "The God of Small Things" or "swimmer", what do you think? Have you read?

And super gift ... from my sister I got the camera! We already have a camera, but is a bit 'cumbersome to keep in stock and so I made the request for a small camera ... and I was satisfied! Now is always with me and I can not have excuses ... I want to try to do a daily diary as Lizzy ... I wonder if I will succeed! Bho will update you soon ... ah forgot "Thanks Little!"

Hello to everyone and soon Patrick


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