Friday, December 3, 2010

Itunes 10 Your System Has Not Been Modified

Il libro del venerdì

Hello and good Friday night.
I'm here for the appointment Friday with the books ... wow guys after the post last Friday ... Friday as a few ... I have received amazing feedback ... even the comment of the author of the book I mentioned last Friday!
Thanks Laura are a fantastic person ...

this Friday's book is a book of Geronimo Stilton, which we have just finished reading "The Cannonball Run America!"

When I made the bag for the hospital awaiting the birth of Frederick I could not resist and I have also put in two books, one for me and one of mine, but suitable for my baby ... Federico was born with books in hand! We have the house invaded by the books and it is great to see that Fred browse the books and watching them closely ... my dream was to read books and books aloud, but until recently my son has never liked to listen too preferred to listen to a story with so many books written with lots of pictures, but not too long a story ... for some 'time we can read the real books and what this week is one of the books we have just read.
I libri di Geronimo Stilton sono molto carini perchè, a parte la storia simpatica, sono particolari anche nella veste grafica ... disegni e parole scritte in modo diverso per attirare l'attenzione dei piccoli lettori.

Dal libro:
"Proprio guardando i sorrisi di questi ragazzi, mi venne in mente l'Inno alla Vita di Madre Teresa di Calcutta, Premio Nobel per la Pace (1910 - 1997).
Leggete anche voi queste parole meravigliose: vi faranno bene al cuore!
Parola del vostro Geronimo Stilton!"

La vita è un'opportunità, coglila.
La vita è bellezza, ammirala.
La vita è beatitudine, assaporala.
La vita è un sogno, fanne realtà.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, I compile.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is precious, take care of them.
Life is wealth, valorizzala.
Life is love, live it.
Life is a mystery, find out.
The Life is a promise, Respect her.
Life is sorrow, overtake.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is an adventure, rischiala.
Life is life, defend it.

Other books by this Friday:

Buon fine settimana Patrizia


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