Friday, December 31, 2010

Positions In A Brazilian Wax

end of the year in pajamas

has never seen my father in my pajamas, I promise you, from what I know ... but that influence gastrointestinal bastard took me, and you too, and was traded to the thrills and rides bathroom.
No, not the romantic image of the 2010 closure of yet it is so, the three of us, locked in the house in his pajamas from morning to night for the past two days, and you, like a real princess, even when six royal vomiting: uargh .. .. and then as if nothing had happened, a smile, a curl of the nose, a puff ... you do not disassemble. So I'm here to change bed sheets, pajamas, body, t-shirts, towels, tea, milk, toast, white rice etc. etc...
La nostra prima influenza in tre.
E te che te la stai cavando meglio di noi grandi! imperterrita giochi e reclami pure la pappa (se non che poi non resta dove dovrebbe stare-)

Che importa che è il 31? chi l'ha mai festeggiato?
Ce ne staremo ancora in tre sul divano a farci compagnia, sostenendoci la capoccia a vicenda, giocando con orsi e trenini.

Auguri per questo 2011 che arriverà...

Salvo imprevisti per noi significherà....


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