Thursday, March 3, 2011

Halloween Costumes - Crutches

Di ritorno dalla Cina

Hello everyone.
We're back from the trip to China with Mammagiramondo. After three weeks of intense it was time to return home ma ci resteremo poco il tempo di cambiare le valigie e poi via alla scoperta di una nuova avventura!!!
Dopo alcuni giorni trascorsi ad Hong Kong abbiamo raggiunto Pechino per ritrovarci con tutti gli amici e infatti abbiamo trascorso delle bellissime giornate alla scoperta di questa metropoli asiatica.

Ma non potevamo lasciare la Cina senza prendere il treno che collega Pechino con Lhasa, la capitale del Tibet, e fare una sosta per vedere l'esercito di terracotta scoperto per caso da un contadino cinese: uno spettacolo incredibile!!!
And after traveling for 47 hours we get to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, the cradle of the monks and the residence of the Dalai Lama. Now we go to visit the Potala Palace, the residence of the Dalai Lama ... where we write our prayers ... Fred has decided to write a greeting to his angel, and in fact wrote on the piece of cloth "Hello Angel"!
And here we are at the end of this first adventure, when we get to Lhasa airport to resume their way home they put us at passport control the stamp as a sign that we have visited this beautiful country and a symbol but a dragon!

After a long journey to get home and do not forget the good things that we saw during this wonderful journey we make a plan that will put in our box of memories ... we really enjoyed imagining the adventure in the Far East and we look forward to sharing with all the new friends we met during this first trip and then we go to pack your bags from that March 17 is again ... we'll be there and you want to go with us?
This evening is all ... a hug e a presto Patrizia


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