Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Many Pills Zopiclone Overdose

Un premio

Ciao a tutti e buona settimana.
Nei giorni scorsi due care ragazze, Cri e Vale , hanno voluto donarmi un premio ... grazie ragazze e scusate il ritardo con cui faccio il post, ma le giornate volano e mi ritrovo a sera con ancora mille cose da fare!!!
Ricevere un premio fa sempre molto piacere e allora grazie di vero cuore!!!
Proprio ora mi sono accorta che anche da Ale ho ricevuto lo stesso premio ... grazie carissima!!!

Once received the award must say seven things about yourself ... then ...

1 - I love my little Fred and I get lost watching it. When he was young I spent hours looking at him as he slept to try to store all its forms, but now I lose myself in watching him play ... but it is a waste of time!
2 - I love traveling with my men, the real holidays by air are our preferred mode of transportation! Then we'd be able to travel much more, but that missing is the time!
3 - I enjoy reading, even though I read so fast, if I like the book, which often lose the details, but I have to finish it!
4 - I like my job, so I particularly like being with children although lately I have doubts ...
5 - I like to look around us, observing nature and the show that every day gives us ... I arrived last night from Vercelli and there was a beautiful moon ... how can you not be enchanted!
6 - I really like the water, I could remain in water all day! Until a few years ago I stayed hours close to the bank with a mask and snorkel to hear the sound of stones moved by the waves ... have as a colleague of mine said alternative!
7 - I love embroidery because it relaxes me and I can pull for a while 'the plug, but it's a hobby and I spend so little time to my passion!

Well I said some things about me and now I pass the award to 10 people ... this is the most difficult time! So this time the award to step ...

- Maris Cara Lilli
- Silvia of Eco home
- Mariuccia of School in folder
- Stephanie of Books
- Manuela di

As always, it was not easy scegliere le persone a cui passare il premio perchè tutte le persone che ho conosciuto grazie al blog meriterebbero di ricevere il premio!!!

Un abbraccio e buona settimana Patrizi a


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