Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Storing Flour Canisters

Inizio lavori ...

Hello and welcome.
Yesterday afternoon, even during lunch, as I tried to do what it takes to color of orange ... the ingredients were simple, but at home I had not so walking home from school I stopped at the supermarket and I got the curry ... as for the recipes I went to the eye although I must say that I have measured the amount of water as the salt to stop the color, but what about the amount of curry we went to the eye in the true sense of the word! ! I say we went because Frederick was my great helper!

I must say I'm satisfied with the result, but I missed the moment ... just added the curry will not tell you that there was the smell in the house! By now it was night, but we opened the window, but fair enough, because so we've got to look at the stars!

Here we are at work ... yellow-colored water and bubbles we add the stuff ...

... Having regard to the terrible smell, put the lid on the pot and leaving the port outside all night and all morning it takes a bath ... Earlier today I washed the fabric and I made it to dry ... Incredible no longer feels the smell!
And here is the result ... I am satisfied, given that it was my first experiment ...
... and here it is ready to begin the embroidery colors Iulia sal ... for the month of February, the color used is black!

For tonight is all a good night hug and Patrick


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