Monday, February 21, 2011

Synthesis Of Benzocaine

concerns when you are unable to become a mother

da un paio di settimane ho deciso di ospitare nel mio blog un libro appena uscito. Si intitola "Perchè io no?" scritto da Nicoletta Sipos.
I did before reading it, because I knew it was one of the few books to address an issue in a sincere manner that is close to my heart, or infertility. And speaking of CUB (, which I have already spoken here and it was absolutely a forum of reference for me).
When you deal with a path of infertility of any "difficulties", the first reaction is to look around if something or someone who is "like us." Search for opinions, experiences, opinions.
Internet can sometimes be misleading. We can worry about the difficulties that are read or to think that science and biology can not always arrive where able nature.
I remember that in addition to the forum, I read lots of American blogs. I could not find many Italian blogs that express these experiences. That talk about feelings, emotions and even, yes, pain. So
well be a book, which between one page and the other explains what un'isterosalpingografia, what are the FSH, LH and inhibin B, and that clarifies the difference between heterologous fertilization, egg donation and womb for rent. For the rest you know there is internet.
And speaking of women. Normal women, different women, who live in their own way and deal with this problem, step by step. Monica, aka duck, is the main theme around which some of these stories unfold, è lei in prima persona che vive tutte le tappe, quelle di capire che "forse c'è un problema"...quella di realizzare che " oddio c'è un problema"...quello di doversi recare all'estero e tante altre cose.
Si legge e ci si immedesima. Molti percorsi sono come questo. Successi, insuccessi.
Non avevo questo libro quando ho affrontato il mio percorso, però c'era CUb, con le storie di tante altre donne come me, che da più o meno tempo, affrontavano le stesse cose.
E' un libro che consiglio, di sicuro. E' un libro che piano piano sta scuotendo anche un pò i media, che si sta facendo conoscere.
Una cosa ho "sentito" mancare a questo libro rispetto al mondo che ho incontrato: la dimensione del dolore, the frustration and sense of helplessness.
I think that is not due to the fact that the stories have been "collected" and narrated by a writer who, I think I understand, has not really addressed these issues.
I remember that when I read some stories, some diaries, certain experiences, sometimes crying, sometimes I am so excited and I was so sorry to bring back these feelings for days ... it was (and is, given that many " friends "unfortunately are still" trying ") permeant.
I believe that it is impossible to "transfer" so many feelings in a book.
Perhaps this lack of a little more "emotional".

Apart from that, thanks to If you talk to the sky, that you continue to talk, to promote a reality of the current, widespread and above all true!
Infertility is not something to "some poor soul" ... Infertility affects everyone, with different causes, and do not look at the social class, education or location.
It 's a bastard because it takes away a lot of things: health, hopes and expectations.

I chose deliberately to devote an occasional post on this blog to this subject, because for me it is impossible to forget what I went through. Why through the first pages of this blog I get email constantly on the track girls, who read of my transfer and can identify with. They read my symptoms and try to look for them too. And they ask me what to do? feel like ... how to deal with it. I'll try to answer but I'm not an expert. I had a great ass on this thing. Allow me to say the least.
However, it is all there was to say that this book is worth reading, and to remember that, sometimes, even for this, I'm here.


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