Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pain Under Iliac Crest

a concern ... ... I'm reading and thinking

How to correct the child when

disturb us while we are engaged in serious matters and important
that the child can not understand?
How to correct the adult when the child stops

care of things of which the adult
not yet understand the importance?
How can we prevent the child
to wake up early and sleep well
of his parents in need of rest?
What can be done to prevent an adult
that claim really to condemn tyrannical

forced to sleep the child who has rested enough?
cause the child to eat when you refuse?
is a real difficulty to get the kid who nourish

How can I convince the adult
the child should not be forced to eat

always things that do not like and eat when the adult

what seems the most appropriate time?
page from the magazine "Montessori" No 3, a. I., printed in Rome in 1931 and played in the Quaderno Montessori
No 58, 1998, p. 27


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