Saturday, February 26, 2011

When Do You Know When A Scorpio Man Is Into You

Sal colori ... febbraio

Ciao a tutti eccomi qua!!!
Non sono sparita, ma gli impegni si stanno aggiungendo uno dopo l'altro e quando ho dei momenti liberi devo studiare ... inglese!!!
Anche se poi il tempo per fare dei piccoli lavoretti cerco di trovarlo, come cerco to find time to devote to Frederick, maybe I stay awake until late at night, but first there are the people you love!

Among other engagements, however, are able to finish the embroidery colors for Sal proposed by Iulia. In February Iulia had matched the black and I immediately thought of embroidering the Halloween pumpkins that I had seen in the various embroidered blog ... for the moment the embroidery is finished, but I have not made anything even though I think I'll pinkeep to put on a front door in October ... there are still a bit 'of months, but it is better to carry on with work!

all for today ... Patrick a hug and see you soon


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