Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Acrostic Poems For The Word Blade

husband M

I never talked about her husband M?
yes, quell'M that appears a little here and there in this blog ...
Well, now I have to stop for a moment and say: I love it.
not perfect, no, in fact has its good defects.
But the more time passes, the more I appreciate it for what è:
perchè dà, dà tanto a me, a Viola, alla famiglia... E' disponibile e altruista, è sempre d'appoggio, sempre ottimista, sempre generoso. E io questa cosa la sento tanto. Vedo il suo lavoro, il suo tempo, la stanchezza che lo assale dopo i viaggi continui eppure gli leggo la gioia nel viso quando torna a casa e si sdraia sul tappetone con la Vi, e anche se è stanco, si mette a giocare con lei. Non le risparmia attenzioni. Non le risparmia neanche a me.

Fa niente se lascia le magliette sporche spiegazzate in giro per casa, se accumula la posta sulla scrivania finchè non diventa una pigna in precario equilibrio...e fa niente se devo sempre dirgli io cosa deve fare ...
perchè poi LA FA.
If I ask a favor, it does me. Get help from me.
I need to talk: closes his book, he turns to me and listen to me, like last night: I saw that her eyes were tired and sleepy, but it was there for an hour to hear what I had to tell him, I told her, we talked a little bit of Purple, then employment, then other projects ... M
beloved husband because even if you try to be this far into our lives and I really could not ask more of him as husband and as father.

I do not know, I wanted to write it down on paper, because it seems that there will never be in this blog.
and why I think a few posts to close this space and then ... and ripendando thinking about what I write, as I write, what I write and why I still keep a blog ... I felt that we needed a post for him.


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