Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ocular Migraine And Lyme Disease


Ciao a tutti e buona domenica.
Sono qua a quest'ora perchè il tempo qui in provincia di Biella è veramente "schifoso" a parte il freddo che si potrebbe anche accettare ... ci fosse un po' di sole sarebbe meglio!!! Qui per il momento solo nebbia e umidità!!!

Nei giorni scorsi ho ricevuto dei premi dalle amiche blogghine che non ho ancora ringraziato, But the holidays are ruined!

thank Maris's blog Cara Lilli Sly and the A travel blog here ... a trip there that they thought of me and gave me this award ... Maris by Sly and thanks are always very nice.

Should I pass this award on 12 blog worthy, but I think they are all deserving! It seems to me that so many have already received this award and it is difficult to choose ... so I thought I'd give this award to all the friends who participate in the colors of sal Iulia.
So take girls under the award!

But there's another friend thought of me for this award ... Thank you for your kindness Mammadifretta .

Now I have to say 10 things about me ... then ...
1 - I love my little Federico
2 - I really like reading and cross stitch
3 - I hate to prepare lunch and dinner and even I remember
4 - I like too much travel and if I could go away all weekends
5 - I like hanging out with my two men and see them walking down the street near
6 - I love my family
7 - I like my job although lately I am a bit 'in crisis!
8 - I like pizza too
9 - are super messy, but every time I try I find something!
10 - I was afraid of having a blog because I'm very shy, but I'm happy because I have met many nice people

Even this award or better, this witness I pass the baton to 10 blogs, but in this case have already received so many are here at your disposal ... take it and tell us about you!

all for today ... Patrick a hug and see you soon


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