Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bloated Stomache After Umbilical Hernia Surgery

me stupid moments ...

The days are chasing one after another and sometimes it seems to me that time is as "rare", compressed, as if I had put the speed of 2x or 4x of a DVD player ... passes quickly and in a moment is afternoon. Looks, words, smiles, hugs, games, small diseases, discovery, progress, evolution, fun ... they overlap and intertwine and move fast, and let in to emotions and moods Viola strange ... there is growing under the eyes so fast that sometimes we look at each other and find it hard to believe that overnight is really "changing" so much. Startled, we are looking at it to do and undo, capers around while walking safe, while you invent gestures that no one showed. Thinking more deeply realize that perhaps many things to do now is scale, gestures are "planted" a few months ago, and which are "blooming" now, now that awareness of his body has grown, awareness of its capabilities, of his manual, not the least awareness of syllables and have a voice with which to "play".
And next to this once so rare, fortunately, we embed slow moments. Slow.
Long hours where there is room to observe, interact, to be together. Moments that I would never end, like when I had a fever and we were in Latvia together one afternoon and wanted only that I held the hand and stroking my hair ... or rather when we play hide and seek like two rowdy and I'm running and hiding from room to room looking for me and she laughs like crazy when I buuuu ... and move forward one hour.
Moments when co-navigate a book does not have time, go back and revisit where forward from page to page is the rule, and there is a beginning and an end.

this strange period. Among the festive season, paced the previous work, rest, then ... I do a little effort now to find the good rhythm, and in fact I started to fall asleep.
But that's okay.

evening I find myself constantly thinking about what I was doing a year scorso di questi tempi.
Sono anche andata a rivedere il quaderno con le poppate di Vi. 23.30 poi le 4.00 poi le 8.00....
Quasi non ci credo che adesso ho una 1enne che si fa quasi 14 ore di sonno...dalle 20.30 alle 10.00 del mattino!! E che dorme ancora 1 ora e più al mattino e 2 ore abbondanti al pomeriggio...(deo gratia!!)

E cammina!!

E mangia tutto quello che le dò!!

E balla!
E canta!

E io la adoro!!!


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