Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Use E71 Secondary Camera

Sono in ritardo!!!

Hello everyone.
are in tremendous delay, but this week has been full of school work ... we are at the end of the semester and we are the last checks to be done and I had to do more in a few hours of English course in the evening and so I dedicated to my new hobby: the English language!

But I can not show you what I have got my men on Saturday ... Meanwhile, here they are intent to prepare bread for the birds ... Thanks to these activities Federico wrote, with my help, a great story to participate in the contest ... NonnAnna Fred talks about the history of their birds, bread crumbs and a box ... but if you're curious to read it go NonnAnna Blog where you'll find stories in the competition ...

... Saturday, January 22 so it was my birthday and my big man came home with this beautiful bouquet of red tulips with flowers of lilac ... a wonder!

... ma non solo questo perchè il mio uomo piccolo con l'aiuto di sua zia è arrivato con questo bellissimo mazzo di fiori!!!

Grazie tesori è stato proprio un bellissimo compleanno!!! Vi voglio bene!!!



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